Review Is It a Scam? is a site I personally have an interest in because of the name they chose to use for their site. They’ve basically taken the Google name of adult dating and they’re using it to trick people into signing up for their deceptive crappy dating adult dating site. Is Free Lifetime Fuck Finder a scam? I most certainly feel that it is I don’t think it’s legit and I advise anyone reading this not to sign up for this blatant scam any reviews saying they’re legit should be questioned thoughly.
Personal thoughts regarding
Before I get into the name, they chose to use the first few things I want to say. The date I’m writing this post is December 2013. I say this because these scammers usually disappear or change their business model once people like me who actually use adult dating sites expose them.
The first thing people should know is that FreeLifetimeFuckFinder is NOT free. If you want to find out for yourself, sign up and see for yourself. Furthermore you can also visit their terms and conditions page found at the bottom of their site or by going to The portion you want to pay closest attention to is “7. Subscription”
The second thing I want to mention is Nautell Capital Limited many of you reading this don’t know that Nautell Capital Limited is behind a lot of the reselling of dating profiles online. How this often works is they get or steal people’s pictures and either sell them or post them on their other websites. The most important thing people should know is Nautell Capital Limited is located in Cyprus! So if for example you’re in North America it will be a hard fight to get your information back because the laws governing Cyprus are not the same as they are in the United States.
Last thing I want to point out in this review of is their name “Free Lifetime Fuck Finder” as many of you know I’m huge fan of Adult Friend Finder which by the way is United States based. People can say all they want about Adult Friend Finder but they’re legit and abide by United States laws! This company purposely used the word “Finder” to trick people into believing they’re similar to Adult Friend Finder when this is far from the truth.
Another thing before signing up consider visiting some of their other scams:,,,, and ofcourse just name a few.
Final thoughts regarding
I don’t recommend signing up for I do think their a scam and I don’t think they’re legit. If you want to sign up with them don’t let me stop you just don’t say I didn’t warn you!
Any ladies reading this gay or straight you should really consider signing up for Adult Friend Finder it’s nothing like the other scams online they’ve been around since 1999 and have over 40 million members worldwide most importantly their are nice and generous men that use Adult Friend Finder which is why most women prefer them yes there are some jerks that join but that exists in every dating site. Looking forward to seeing you on the inside you’re all welcome to join regardless of how you look it’s a great community!