If you go to ExtraWellnessPlus.com directly, you’ll notice there’s “Alpha Boost” presents itself as a legitimate company. Most of the similar sites are blatant fly-by-night scams with no actual homepage.
With ExtraWellnessPlus it presents itself the way most of the scam sites do. Investigations into its Clinical Studies, however, don’t prove anything about Alpha Boost, which looks like an scam and is not legit.
The challenge with these types of supplements is to prove their legitimate, with verifiable testimonials that Alpha Boost indeed works. Although VigRX Plus doesn’t make false statements, it also doesn’t present itself as a solution to everyone, presenting both the good and the bad. VigRX Plus is a legitimate deal, with verified testimonials
Is ExtraWellnessPlus a scam? I could argue guilty by association. However, the findings are inconclusive. I’m definitely not calling them legit, and I’m not recommending them, “Alpha Boost” gave some effort when designing its website, but that’s not a good reason to buy from there.
The ExtraWellnessPlus.com Refund Policy Important details
If you feel as though you’ve been scammed, you can contact them using the information below or checking out their website and using their contact information. Currently, their phone number is
Customer Service Phone : 800-769-6394
And their website can currently be found here: extrawellnessplus.com/v1/
Clearly, Alpha Boost is overpriced and doesn’t justify the cost. You, as the customer, take all the risk, and there’s no clear historical evidence that anything ExtraWellnessPlus promotes even works, and they’re asking you to pay a premium price for it.
Although VigRX Plus isn’t perfect, I was able to verify at least their claims, their Doctor, their testimonials, and their clinical studies; that’s why, to date, VigRX Plus remains at the top of the list. “Alpha Boost,” on the other hand, appears to be mostly hype.
Final Thoughts Regarding ExtraWellnessPlus.com
Try Alpha Boost, currently found at ExtraWellnessPlus.com and other promotional websites, at your own risk; I definitely will not be recommending it now. Regarding their payment system, I’ve left their phone number (800-769-6394 ), which you can call with any questions or refund requests.
I write these posts for information purposes only; I do not write these posts to tell people what to do with their time or their money. Therefore, any question you have regarding “Alpha Boost” should be sent directly to their staff at ExtraWellnessPlus.com.
One of the reasons I DEFINITELY will not recommend Alpha Boost is that claims can’t be verified. I can’t even confirm their gummies are made where they say they’re made. With VigRX Plus you can call them, email them, find their address, and verify that their claims are legit, and you can do your own research for yourself. I can’t recommend this type of operation to anyone in good faith. Try them at your own risk.
Best of Good luck!