Are All Women Sluts and Whores?
To answer this question truthfully the answer is probably around 85% of women are sluts and whores and as they age it becomes more apparent. That said most women are in fact very shy, reserved, or insecure which is why celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Britney Spears, Beyoncé, and Miley Cyrus have been able to cash in big-time off of it. Try to remember that men are not the major purchasers of the goods or services these celebrities sell or promote.
Men have gone to extremities to keep women from being whores. Anyone from the outside looking into ALL religions and their origins can see quite clearly that a point of emphasis in all religions was to keep sluts under control.
I’m not condoning any form of negativity towards women but as many of us know when women are free to do whatever they want chances are they’ll whore around.
Most men reading this have probably gone through hell trying to please and pleasure their woman trying to keep her happy only to find out that she was playing mind tricks with you the whole time.
This is why smart men don’t give a shit about women, one of the reasons three and a half men(with Charlie Sheen) was such a successful sitcom was because of the differences between Charlie and his brother.
That show explained in comedic detail why and how nice guys finish last! Now there is no rule that says you have to be an asshole to get women but you should never under any circumstance care what women or anyone thinks of you!
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Not only should not care but you should also get used to not caring because when you don’t care you start seeing people for what they are and not what YOU want them to be. Most women are sluts and the ones that aren’t thought about it but were probably too scared to go all the way “slut”.
Men reading this should know that women will in most instances cheat on you the moment they feel like doing so. There are men that believe in chasing a woman until she falls in love with them.
Smart men do things in the opposite way, make a slut chase you, and the best way to do this is to concentrate on getting money and I don’t mean getting money to spend it on women because that’s stupid. Get money so a dumb slut whore knows that YOU can get a woman anytime you want.
If money’s not your thing you better do one of these two things either have one hell of a body or have one hell of personality if you can have both you’ll start to notice sluts falling into your lap.
Sluts also like pretty boys too but looks fade with age so be careful if this is you because if rely on this god-given trait into your older years you’ll find it more difficult to attract sluts into your life!
If you’re looking for some magic secret to attracting dumb sluts I just gave it to you, if you want to complicate life for yourself be my guest. Everything takes practice so work on improving yourself and the sluts will come! GUARANTEED!!!
With that said there’s a crash course designed that has an above 70% success rate, the people who fail are those not willing to make a change in their lives.
Click Here To Learn More About The Attraction Crash Course