The Reason OnlyFans Is Banning Sexually Explicit Content in 2021 Is all about The Credit Card Companies – Alternatives
So it’s come as a shocker to a lot of people that OnlyFans which developed its brand around the idea of an adult social media service would be Banning Sexually Explicit Content, but I personally think this might only be a temporary measure until they get the financials figured out.
So for years now, I’ve been writing positively about Live Jasmin which is a live webcam sex chat service that predates social media being the force is it is today. Being that I’m familiar with the adult industry and the recessive costs associated with running a legitimate adult business, I’ve always stated that under the conditions Live Jasmin does an amazing job for everyone involved.
All people who use Live Jasmin get value, Live Jasmin is dedicated to making the user experience as pleasurable as possible, but there are a lot of costs to doing this, and people who don’t understand the regulatory costs involved in the adult entertainment industry wrongfully label Live Jasmin as somehow not doing what OnlyFans was able to do for a few years.
Well, not I hope more people appreciate Live Jasmin which predates OnlyFans, and to date has yet to have the type of hiccup that OnlyFans is experiencing. Now, I could be wrong, because I don’t know the Onlyfans financial situation, they’re a private company, but they’re definitely going to have to change their fee structure because, in the adult industry, costs will eat away at your profit margins because you have to seek out particular financial companies who charge extra fees to accept credit cards. Furthermore, you also have to pay all the people involved in the entertainment aspects of your services.
This again is why if you’re a member of Live Jasmin and know what’s going on, you can appreciate their services a whole lot more.
I’ve also written about Adult Friend Finder which is an adult dating with an entertainment component attached, these companies are ahead of their time, in that they had to adjust years ago to the regulatory environment, I’ve often written that the Adult Friend Finder you see today would be 10 times better if weren’t for the regulators. Now, don’t get me wrong, we need regulators, Backpage is a perfect example of why regulations are necessary.
But the regulations also make the best online adult dating website ever built have to change how it does business. and if you’re unaware of the regulatory environment you might feel like you’re being cheated by Adult Friend Finder when in fact they’re merely being forced to adjust to the regulatory environment.
So with that, understanding, I’m not certain that these changes in OnlyFans are permanent, I think this could be a restructuring issue, or maybe they become like a pg-13 social media site? I’m not sure, I have friends in the adult industry and they liked OnlyFans specifically for the x-rated stuff, so they’re already told me that they’re going back to sites like Live Jasmin, others might go in different directions, some people only know of OnlyFans, so this might come as a shock to them.
It’s always very difficult to explain the business side of things to people who don’t understand the business, things aren’t always as they seem, but the market will fill the void, there already exists alternatives, but it might be a bit challenging for some people to adjust. Best of Luck to everyone!